eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.0
Changelog since RC2:
eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.0 – Binary
Oktober 25th, 2010eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.0 – Source
Oktober 25th, 2010eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.0
Changelog since RC2:
eMule v0.49b AcKroNiC v5.0 -Binary
Oktober 25th, 2010Description Source (mod) Modder(s) Changes Modder(s)
Source cache StulleMule v6.0 Xman/Stulle
One-queue-per-file Xtreme v6.1 Maella integrate with Powershare taz
better passive source finding Xtreme v6.1 Xman
Don’t allow file hot swapping Xtreme v6.1 Maella
corrupted blocks ban threshold Spike2 v1.2 Spike2
static ip filter ScarAnglel v2.5 Stulle
Friendnote MorphXT 11.0 CB
Always full chunk – needed for Client Analyzer taz
ServerAnalyzer Spike2/taz
Servers visualization Xtreme v6.1 BSB/Xman/taz
IP2Country eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ModIcon eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ClientAnalyzer eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
„SlotControl: SlotSpeed“ X-Ray v1.4
Stulle/JvA modified option setting taz
„SlotControl: SlotFocus“
eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd integrate with SlotSpeed taz
Horde opcodes WARP v0.3a.11 netfinity
Faster Upload Timer eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
SCC (Smart Category Control ScarAnglel v2.5 Stulle
download color SharkX v1.2 taz
merge Known MorphXT 11.0 SLUGFILLER
Connection Checker eMuleFuture v0.7 eWombat/WiZaRd
Unknown Protocol Tags eMuleFuture v0.7 BSB/JvA
Extended clean-up (client list) Xtreme v6.1 Maella
retry connection attempts Xtreme v6.1 Xman
fix connection collision MorphXT 11.0 SiRoB
L2HAC (LowID 2 HighID Automatic Callback) eMuleFuture v0.7 enkeyDEV/Spike2
Don’t remove dead servers on 0 retries
Static servers protected MorphXT 11.0 Mighty Knife
Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change eMuleFuture v0.7 Spike2
Inform Clients after IP Change StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
optimization requpfile MorphXT 11.0 SiRoB
SLS (Save and Load Sources) eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
PowerShare eMuleFuture v0.7
WiZaRd on complete files only and not leechers taz
remove unused AICH-hashes Xtreme v6.1 Xman
SafeHash MorphXT 11.0 SLUGFILLER
Flush Thread MorphXT 11.0 SiRoB
ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd optimization taz
Anti HideOS eMuleFuture v0.7 netfinity/WiZaRd
Automatic shared files updater (ASFU) eMuleFuture v0.7 MoNKi/Stulle/WiZaRd
DBR (Dynamic Block Request) WARP v0.3a.11 netfinity
Nice Hash Xtreme v6.1 Xman/CiccioBastardo
HashProgress eMuleFuture v0.7 o2/Spike2
Tabbed Prefs eMuleFuture v0.7 TPT/shadow2004
AddonDirectory eMuleFuture v0.7
IPFilter-Update eMuleFuture v0.7
Morph/shadow2004 direct URL updates to IPFilter-Update taz
ed2k updates eMuleFuture v0.7 shadow2004
IntelliFlush eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
InfiniteQueue eMuleFuture v0.7 SLUGFILLER/shadow2004
optimization for wine MorphXT 11.0 leuk_he
Own Prefs eMuleFuture v0.7 extended for „mod-generator“ taz
Emulate Others eMuleFuture v0.7 Spike2
minRQR (minimum Remote Queue Rank) eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
Extended credit (-table arragement) Xtreme v6.1 Xman
SUQWT (Save Upload Queue Wait Time)
MorphXT 11.0 Moonlight/EastShare/ MorphXT no SUQWT for ModThief or NickThief (partial implementation) taz
Easy ModVersion eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd extended for „mod-generator“ taz
ModVersionSystem eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd extended for „mod-generator“ taz
ModCredits eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ClipStat eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ModStats eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd extensions taz
ECR (Enhanced Client Recognition) & Compat (Compatible) Client Stats eMuleFuture v0.7 Spike2/Stulle
Open Incoming SharkX v1.2 taz
Integrated RTL support from within mod
SharkX v1.2 taz
ASFv2 (Advanced Servers Filter) AcKroNIC v4.3 Avi3k/Aenarion[ITA]/EneTec options integration Raid/Mulo da Soma/taz
Regional connection wizard Mulo Da Soma/taz
Global HL StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
drop sources StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
Mass Rename MorphXT 11.0 Mighty Knife
Completed in Tray StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
AJ community hash detect Alias 1.0 / DLP 3.2 pP/Xman ban taz
fake analyzer WARP v0.3a.11 netfinity
Quick Start Neo_Mule v4.55 Aenarion[ITA]/Xanatos adapt to non Neo_Mule inform Clients after IP Change taz
family filter + password AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/DkD
trash filter AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/Lorenzone92
lowid notifier AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/DkD/Chamblard
invisible mode AcKroNIC v4.3 eF-Mod/WiZaRd
Check already downloaded files ScarAngel v3.0 MoNKi
detect and optional bans : Vagaa, Bad Shareaza, Community & Corrupt hash MorphXT 11.0 zz_fly/squallATF
More info about corrupted .met/.part file AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/Mulo da Soma
eMule v0.49b AcKroNiC v5.0 -Source
Oktober 25th, 2010Description Source (mod) Modder(s) Changes Modder(s)
Source cache StulleMule v6.0 Xman/Stulle
One-queue-per-file Xtreme v6.1 Maella integrate with Powershare taz
better passive source finding Xtreme v6.1 Xman
Don’t allow file hot swapping Xtreme v6.1 Maella
corrupted blocks ban threshold Spike2 v1.2 Spike2
static ip filter ScarAnglel v2.5 Stulle
Friendnote MorphXT 11.0 CB
Always full chunk – needed for Client Analyzer taz
ServerAnalyzer Spike2/taz
Servers visualization Xtreme v6.1 BSB/Xman/taz
IP2Country eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ModIcon eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ClientAnalyzer eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
„SlotControl: SlotSpeed“ X-Ray v1.4
Stulle/JvA modified option setting taz
„SlotControl: SlotFocus“
eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd integrate with SlotSpeed taz
Horde opcodes WARP v0.3a.11 netfinity
Faster Upload Timer eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
SCC (Smart Category Control ScarAnglel v2.5 Stulle
download color SharkX v1.2 taz
merge Known MorphXT 11.0 SLUGFILLER
Connection Checker eMuleFuture v0.7 eWombat/WiZaRd
Unknown Protocol Tags eMuleFuture v0.7 BSB/JvA
Extended clean-up (client list) Xtreme v6.1 Maella
retry connection attempts Xtreme v6.1 Xman
fix connection collision MorphXT 11.0 SiRoB
L2HAC (LowID 2 HighID Automatic Callback) eMuleFuture v0.7 enkeyDEV/Spike2
Don’t remove dead servers on 0 retries
Static servers protected MorphXT 11.0 Mighty Knife
Reset Kad-IP on IP-Change eMuleFuture v0.7 Spike2
Inform Clients after IP Change StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
optimization requpfile MorphXT 11.0 SiRoB
SLS (Save and Load Sources) eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
PowerShare eMuleFuture v0.7
WiZaRd on complete files only and not leechers taz
remove unused AICH-hashes Xtreme v6.1 Xman
SafeHash MorphXT 11.0 SLUGFILLER
Flush Thread MorphXT 11.0 SiRoB
ICS (Intelligent Chunk Selection) eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd optimization taz
Anti HideOS eMuleFuture v0.7 netfinity/WiZaRd
Automatic shared files updater (ASFU) eMuleFuture v0.7 MoNKi/Stulle/WiZaRd
DBR (Dynamic Block Request) WARP v0.3a.11 netfinity
Nice Hash Xtreme v6.1 Xman/CiccioBastardo
HashProgress eMuleFuture v0.7 o2/Spike2
Tabbed Prefs eMuleFuture v0.7 TPT/shadow2004
AddonDirectory eMuleFuture v0.7
IPFilter-Update eMuleFuture v0.7
Morph/shadow2004 direct URL updates to IPFilter-Update taz
ed2k updates eMuleFuture v0.7 shadow2004
IntelliFlush eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
InfiniteQueue eMuleFuture v0.7 SLUGFILLER/shadow2004
optimization for wine MorphXT 11.0 leuk_he
Own Prefs eMuleFuture v0.7 extended for „mod-generator“ taz
Emulate Others eMuleFuture v0.7 Spike2
minRQR (minimum Remote Queue Rank) eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
Extended credit (-table arragement) Xtreme v6.1 Xman
SUQWT (Save Upload Queue Wait Time)
MorphXT 11.0 Moonlight/EastShare/ MorphXT no SUQWT for ModThief or NickThief (partial implementation) taz
Easy ModVersion eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd extended for „mod-generator“ taz
ModVersionSystem eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd extended for „mod-generator“ taz
ModCredits eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ClipStat eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd
ModStats eMuleFuture v0.7 WiZaRd extensions taz
ECR (Enhanced Client Recognition) & Compat (Compatible) Client Stats eMuleFuture v0.7 Spike2/Stulle
Open Incoming SharkX v1.2 taz
Integrated RTL support from within mod
SharkX v1.2 taz
ASFv2 (Advanced Servers Filter) AcKroNIC v4.3 Avi3k/Aenarion[ITA]/EneTec options integration Raid/Mulo da Soma/taz
Regional connection wizard Mulo Da Soma/taz
Global HL StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
drop sources StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
Mass Rename MorphXT 11.0 Mighty Knife
Completed in Tray StulleMule v6.0 Stulle
AJ community hash detect Alias 1.0 / DLP 3.2 pP/Xman ban taz
fake analyzer WARP v0.3a.11 netfinity
Quick Start Neo_Mule v4.55 Aenarion[ITA]/Xanatos adapt to non Neo_Mule inform Clients after IP Change taz
family filter + password AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/DkD
trash filter AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/Lorenzone92
lowid notifier AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/DkD/Chamblard
invisible mode AcKroNIC v4.3 eF-Mod/WiZaRd
Check already downloaded files ScarAngel v3.0 MoNKi
detect and optional bans : Vagaa, Bad Shareaza, Community & Corrupt hash MorphXT 11.0 zz_fly/squallATF
More info about corrupted .met/.part file AcKroNIC v4.3 Aenarion[ITA]/Mulo da Soma
emule 0.49a TK4 Mod 2.2a Binary
Oktober 25th, 2010Version 2.2a – Base eMule 49a 28-06-2008
emule 0.49a TK4 Mod 2.2a Source
Oktober 25th, 2010Version 2.2a – Base eMule 49a 28-06-2008