eMule 0.48a NextEMF v1.1
based on eMule 0.47a NextEMF 0.85 by shadow2004
modified by dlarge
————————————————–1. Features
– AutoHard Limit
– ClientAnalyzer
– ClientDataRate is ajustible
– Dynamic Block Request
– Erweiterte Clienterkennung
– Easy ModVersion
– Improved Upload-Caching
– Kad Improvement
– NextEMF Style (ToolBar, XP-Menu)
– Session Ratio
– Relax On StartUp
– Save CPU & Calm Down On Score Calculation
– Show Bad Mods in all Lists
– Show Modversions in Stats
– SplashScreenEx
– WinSock2 Support
– Worm-Detection
– Additional Security Check
– Prevent USS Spam
– Display Userhash in StatusWindow
– RollUps in TransferWnd
– NewToolTips
– many Fixes and Code Improvements__________________
_.o-= V 1.0 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature / From / Who
28.12.2007 |# merged to 0.48a [dlarge]
28.12.2007 |+ Additional Security Check [WiZaRd]
28.12.2007 |+ Prevent USS Spam [WiZard]
28.12.2007 |+ all WiZarD Fixes taken from eMuleFuture 0.7 [WiZaRd]
28.12.2007 |+ Display Userhash in StatusWindow [iONiX]
28.12.2007 |+ eD2K Updates [WiZaRd/shadow2004]
28.12.2007 |+ TabControl in Message Window [dlarge]
28.12.2007 |+ Server.met Link in Server Window [WiZaRd]
28.12.2007 |# updated IPFilter Update [shadow2004]
28.12.2007 |# updated Clientanalyzer [WiZaRd]
28.12.2007 |# updated all Features in NextEMF Mod [dlarge]
28.12.2007 |# small changes in TabsControl [dlarge]
28.12.2007 |# changed Button for Fast TCP Attempts [dlarge]
28.12.2007 |- removed warnings C4702 [dlarge]
28.12.2007 |- removed Preprocessors [dlarge]
28.12.2007 |- removed Help completely [dlarge]this Src is ready for compeling with vs2003
_.o-= V 0.85 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature / From / Who
23.07.2006 |# Bug(39) Slotspeed is now ajustable when UL is limited [shadow2004]
23.07.2006 |+ Filter ed2kFileType in SharedFilesDirTree by Xanatos [shadow2004]
23.07.2006 |# Bug(40) Bug in preferencesDlg is fixed when switching between connection and securityDlg [shadow2004]
26.07.2006 |# Bug(41) Clientversion is now fully shown in Clientdetails [shadow2004]
27.07.2006 |# Bug(38) backgroundgrafic in tranfermenu should now fit [shadow2004]
27.06.2006 |+ Toolbar-Fix by JvA. Big Thanks. [shadow2004]
27.06.2006 |+ italian languagefile translatet by Wolf @ ddos.isleoftortuga.org. Thank you a lot. [shadow2004]
28.06.2006 |+ spanish languagefile translatet by Nuberu @ www.emulespana.net. Thank you a lot too. [shadow2004]__________________
_.o-= V 0.84 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature / From / Who
27.06.2006 |- Old AutoHardLimit by WiZaRd, Max [shadow2004]
27.06.2006 |+ AutoUpdate for IPFilter [shadow2004]
30.06.2006 |+ Fix by SpanishMan [shadow2004]
30.06.2006 |+ Forgotten Code by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
30.06.2006 |+ add some known spammers by leuk_he [shadow2004]
03.07.2006 |+ added WiZaRds Autohardlimit taken from Diclodus by LaMa [shadow2004]
17.07.2006 |+ reordered some preferences-options
18.07.2006 |+ added Dropsystem by AcKroNiC taken from Diclodus by LaMa [shadow2004]
21.07.2006 |+ added Nicehash from CB-Mod [shadow2004]__________________
_.o-= V 0.83 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature / From / Who
15.06.2006 |+ NextEMF Tray Icons eingebaut [shadow2004]
18.06.2006 |+ Fix Unable To Open Completed File After Rename by Morph [shadow2004]
18.06.2006 |+ Fix Emule Forget To Publish Files To Server by Xman1 [shadow2004]
18.06.2006 |+ Fix For Unicode In Error Messages by Xman1 [shadow2004]
18.06.2006 |+ Fix Statistics Dialog Minor Bug: X Axis Time by BlueSonicBoy [shadow2004]
19.06.2006 |+ Default Nick ist jetzt „NextEMF@eMuleFuture.eu“ 😉 [shadow2004]
19.06.2006 |+ SlotFocus / DataRate einstellbar by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
19.06.2006 |+ Hide statistics tree properly by BlueSonicBoy [shadow2004]
19.06.2006 |+ Minor Display Fix For Upload „obtained Parts“ by SiRoB [shadow2004]
19.06.2006 |+ Minor Display Fix For Downloadclient Progressbar by SiRoB [shadow2004]
19.06.2006 |+ Startup Flood Prevention by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
22.06.2006 |+ XPMenu-Support by TPT, removed CTitleMenu [gfx by hateman][shadow2004]__________________
_.o-= V 0.82 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature / From / Who
12.06.2006 |# Bug(23) Dateien über > 4GB werden nun auch unterstützt [shadow2004]
12.06.2006 |# Bug(25) emfriends.met nun auch wieder voll kompatibel [shadow2004]
13.06.2006 |# Bug(27) Läuft nun auch wieder unter W2k und älter. Danke für die Unterstützung WiZaRd [shadow2004]
| -> http://www.codeguru.com/forum/printthread.php?t=353899
13.06.2006 |+ MemLeak in LastCommonroutefinder geflickt. by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
13.06.2006 |+ Kleine Optimierung im Zeichnen von FortschrittsBalken by CiccioBastardo [shadow2004]
16.06.2006 |+ SelectionFix for MuleListCtrl [shadow2004]__________________
_.o-= V 0.81 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature | Who | From
10.06.2006 |+ wieder kompat. zu and. *.met | shadow2004 |
10.06.2006 |+ CPU Entlastung | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
10.06.2006 |+ Unknown1s Kad Patch | shadow2004 | Unknown1
10.06.2006 |+ Kad Improvements | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
10.06.2006 |+ Wasted Ratings FiX | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
11.06.2006 |+ NextEMF-Toolbar | shadow2004 |
11.06.2006 |- Original Toolbar | shadow2004 |
11.06.2006 |- Skin-Support | shadow2004 |
11.06.2006 |+ NextEMF App-Icon | shadow2004 |
11.06.2006 |+ Auto Hard Limit | shadow2004 | WiZaRd__________________
_.o-= V 0.80 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature | Who | From
26.03.2006 |+ WinSock2 | shadow2004 |
28.03.2006 |+ Optimizer | shadow2004 |
31.03.2006 |+ SplashScreenEx | shadow2004 | Xtreme [Xman]
08.04.2006 |- Text2Speech | shadow2004 |
27.05.2006 |- IRC | shadow2004 |
27.05.2006 |- Proxy | shadow2004 |
28.05.2006 |- MobileMule | shadow2004 |
28.05.2006 |+ Erweiterte Clienterkennung | shadow2004 | Spike2, WiZaRd
31.05.2006 |+ Chatfocus-Fix | shadow2004 | raccoonI
31.05.2006 |+ Handshake-Fix | shadow2004 | SiRoB
31.05.2006 |+ Relax On Start-Up | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
31.05.2006 |+ Improved Upload Caching | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
01.06.2006 |+ WormDetection | shadow2004 | NetFinity
02.06.2006 |+ Easy ModVersion | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
03.06.2006 |+ Glitch-FiX [21.02.2006] | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
04.06.2006 |+ Show Mods in Stats | shadow2004 | TPT
05.06.2006 |- 3D-Bars | shadow2004 |
06.06.2006 |+ ClientAnalyzer | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
07.06.2006 |+ Same ModVersion Detection | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
07.06.2006 |+ Show Bad Mods in all lists | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
07.06.2006 |+ Sort Fix | shadow2004 | WiZaRd
07.06.2006 |+ solved warning C4244 in CA | shadow2004 |
08.06.2006 |- addit. Toolbar in TransWnd | shadow2004 |
10.06.2006 |+ Dynamic Block Request | shadow2004 | NetFinity
10.06.2006 |+ Second Page u. General Opts. | shadow2004 | ef-Mod modified__________________
_.o-= V 1.1 =-o._
__________________Date | Feature / From / Who
07.01.2008 |+ RollUps in TransferWnd [dlarge/eMule+]
06.01.2008 |+ NewToolTips with small Changes from Neo Mod [dlarge/Phoenix]
01.01.2008 |+ Slidebar [WiZaRd/eMule+]
01.01.2008 |+ Userhash Fix [Xman]
08.01.2008 |+ PaddingLength to Extended preferences [Xman]
01.01.2008 |+ AddOn Dir for IpFilter Update [shadow2004/WiZaRd]
01.01.2008 |+ NextEMF Style MinimuleBack.GIF [dlarge]
01.01.2008 |+ AICH-Syncthread CrashFix [Xman]
01.01.2008 |+ CorruptionBlackBox Fix [Xanato )
01.01.2008 |+ KadInterface Improvement [Xanatos]
01.01.2008 |+ Hash Progress [o2]
01.01.2008 |+ Update nodes.dat frequently [Avi3k]
01.01.2008 |+ Kad Path Fix for nodes.dat [leuk_he]
01.01.2008 |+ Kad Fix for index.dat files [godlaugh2007]
01.01.2008 |+ Fix in socket.cpp for DestroySocket [netfinity]
01.01.2008 |+ CrashFix in socket.cpp for DestroySocket [Maella]
01.01.2008 |# changed Style for Slidebar [dlarge]
03.01.2008 |# File Buffer Size to max 10 MB [dlarge]
01.01.2008 |# changed many Icons [dlarge]
02.01.2008 |# updated Tabcontrol [shadow2004/dlarge]
02.01.2008 |# fixed Bug in IPFilter Update for load IpFilter version [dlarge]
02.01.2008 |# fixed official Bug when dis/enabling Queuelist/Clientslist [Xman]
02.01.2008 |# fixed official Bug when checking for empty Userhash [ilmira]
02.01.2008 |# few fixes to Statistic Graph [BlueSonicBoy]
02.01.2008 |# Code Improvement for switch Uploadlist [Xman]
03.01.2008 |# fixed Bug in Ed2kUpdates Page für LoadSettings from EMF Mod [dlarge] thanks @ stulle !!!
08.01.2008 |# updated germ.dll [dlarge]